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Installation in virtual environment

Required dependencies

We need to create a pyhrf virtual environment. The procedure to install and configure a virtual environment are not described here. We recommend to use virtualenvwrapper.

You also need to install development header of the following libraries (refer to your distribution package manager):

  • libopenblas
  • liblapack
  • libpng
  • libfreetype

Once your virtualenv is ready, activate it and run:

(pyhrf) $ pip install numpy
(pyhrf) $ pip install scipy
(pyhrf) $ pip install nibabel
(pyhrf) $ pip install sympy
(pyhrf) $ pip install nipy

It is not trivial (and not described here) to install PyQt4 in an virtualenv so no viewer will be available in virtualenv. Optional dependencies:

(pyhrf) $ pip install joblib
(pyhrf) $ pip install scikit-learn
(pyhrf) $ pip install sphinx
(pyhrf) $ pip install pygraphviz
(pyhrf) $ pip install Pillow

Install pyhrf itself:

(pyhrf) $ pip install pyhrf

If you want to install the last development version, replace the previous command by:

$ pip install [-e] git+

The -e optional flag installs pyhrf as develop mode.