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8. Developer documentation

This documentation summarizes tools and documentation for developers.

8.1. Developing PyHRF package

Some guidelines are provided in the github’s wiki. Before writing code, be sure to read at least the git workflow page and the Code Quality page.

8.2. Updating Website Documentation

The documentation is written using RestructuredText markup language and is compiled into a website using Sphinx.

Remark: You’ll need at least the version 1.3.1 of Sphinx to compile the code into website (see Installation for installation details).

To modify the website documentation, follow these steps:

  • update documentation code in doc/sphinx/source folder
  • compile documentation with make html
  • check that the local website looks like you want it (open doc/sphinx/build/html/index.html file)
  • commit your changes in your local repository and create a pull-request on github pyhrf repository (see github’s wiki to see how)
  • copy the content of the doc/sphinx/build/html/ folder into the website folder on Inria server (only accessible from Inria internal network)
  • check the pyhrf website

8.2.1. TODO

Add website folder access from outside Inria Grenoble to upload website from outside Inria.

8.3. Releasing

A release is a stable version of PyHRF package which is available as a tagged version on github repository and installable from the Python Package Index (PyPI) using pip command.

To upload the package to PyPI, you need to install twine package. On most GNU/Linux systems, you can use your package manager to install twine package or use the pip command to install it.

To make a new PyHRF release follow these steps:

  • fill up CHANGELOG.rst file with latest modifications
  • change version in
  • create annotated tag on git repository with git tag -a x.y.z command (x.y.z being the version number)
  • build tar.gz package:
$ python sdist
  • to upload the source build package to PyPI, run:
$ twine upload dist/*

The last command will ask for username and password the first time you use it (it asks for savings credentials in $HOME/.pypirc file for later uploads).

8.3.1. TODO

Remove anything that break a wheel build and make a wheel build instead of source build.